
Friday 17th December 2021

Part 1


3 Beat Swing + 3 leg Raise + 3 T2B*

  • Intent: This part of the session is too really take a step back and nail some kipping progressions. The idea is that we either build a solid base within kipping, or we add to our current capacity within kipping, specifically with the T2B.

  • Approach: For this section of the workout, pick a progression that is going to challenge your endurance in the kipping movement, but we still want to see great control within your progression.

    • Beginners, In this movement sequence we are looking to nail the basics. In the warm up the coach will have taken you through the 2 key positional drills of the beat swing, the hollow and arch holds. Ensure you create the best position and generate the desired tension within the movement on the floor, so that it has a great transfer when we move onto the pull up bar. Now that we are up on the rig, the desired effect we are looking for is too start off on an easier drill (Beat Swing) and progress through to the harder movements (T2B) in an unbroken complex.

    • Intermediate and advanced athletes, for the more advanced athletes we still want to ensure we have covered the basics in good depth. The ability to control the beat swing is key, you should be able to start and stop when desired. Once we have mastered this we want to incorporate some hip compression strength with the leg raises, and if this is controlled we finally move the a full T2B. Ideally for this piece we can look at a straight leg T2B which requires even more compression strength at the hip, we don’t want to start using shoulder strength and almost reverting to a lever position.

  • Scaling: In terms of scaling for this it is nice and simple, we just adjust the rep scheme and potentially just look at the beat swing. If you struggle with grip strength and generally holding onto the bar then we could look at an EMOM that combines an active hang with some hollow/ arch work. This will build up your grip work until you can do a good 20-30s hold atleast, whilst still getting some positional work in.

Demo Video: Pike Compressions

Part 2


A. Strict Pull Up- 5-10r

B. Ring Top Support- 30s

C. Pistol Squat- 10-14r

Intent: This Part of the session is where we combine some great strict strength work in the from of pulling and pressing with some more skill work in the Pistol Squat.

  • Approach: This is a Longer EMOM than usual and there is a lot of volume in this, therefore pick progressions that you can hold and are repeatable throughout the 18 Min. Scale accordingly so that your execution is great on each movement.

    • Beginners,

    Strict Pull Up- at this level strict pulling strength might not be there yet, pick an option where you can hit the rep scheme and the movement doesn’t break down. We are building that initial strength so be patient and keep putting in the work. Scaling: go for 1 of 3 options, Option 1- this is a banded pull up, the idea is that we add some assistance with the bands, the thicker the band the more help is going to be provided. As you get stronger the band should get thinner until you can do full unassisted Pull Ups. Option 2- this is a feet supported pull up, this is good as you can make the exercise as easy or as hard as you would like by giving appropriate help through the feet. Option 3- this is a negative, focus on a really slow eccentric phase of the pull up to build positional strength, remember as always we are looking for an active shoulder position (shoulder depression) not a passive shoulder position (shoulder elevation).

    Ring Top Support- stability in a top support position is most likely going to be the struggle here, choose one of the following options to build on your current base. Scaling: for this I would suggest most people go for a fixed bar top support, this will take away the instability of the rings but still work on supporting your own body weight in the correct position.

    Pistol Squat- this is a tough movement that requires great single leg strength, stability and mobility. Depending on what part of this you struggle with may depend on your scaling option. Scaling: there are a plethora of different scaling options available. One I would suggest is the shrimp squat, this will have a big bias and work on single leg strength. A different take on this could be a supported pistol where you hold onto a ring as a bit of support/counterbalance, this would help more if you lack stability and control but do have good mobility/strength. The coach will help with what option they think is best for you!

    • Intermediate and advanced athletes,

      Strict Pull Up- at this level the strict pull up should be in reach, 5 reps is not a huge amount. However, if needed when they begin to break down you could combine this with a scaling option, i.e 2 strict pull ups into 2 negatives. For those that can rep out 10r each round would be very impressive across all rounds, at this point you could add a small weight i.e a wall ball b/t the feet.

      Ring Top Support- for those athletes that have a ring top support, but maybe not the full duration could opt for a partner assisted or a toe assisted option, this is for those that find the fixed bar option too easy. This is a great option as will get you working a lot more on the stability requirement of the rings but hopefully easy enough to get the duration required. For those that do have this movement, focus again on an active shoulder position and fight for that ring turn out!

      Pistol Squat- for those that find pistols manageable go for the higher rep scheme and try to work in a little bit of speed to the movement and a smooth transition from leg to leg. For those that can do pistols but find it very slow and challenging, potentially look at lowering the reps or going for an option that is very slightly assisted. For example, putting a fractional plate under the heel of your foot, this will give you more ankle dorsiflexion if you struggle with mobility and help you cycle through the pistols with a little more speed and control.

Demo Video: Pistol Squat



