Strength + Metcon

18 January 2022

Part 1

Back Squat- Heavy Double

+ 2 additional sets of 2 @ 85-90%

  • Intent: This part of the class is our strength piece, we are aiming to build to a heavy double. The coach will give an estimated time of around 20 mins for this. If you are switched on and disciplined then this will be enough time to hit the heavy double, and the additional sets.

  • Approach: Depending on ability level, there will be a difference in how you approach this part of the session. This may come in the form of weight, rest time, number of total sets etc.

    • Beginners: At this level, if you have not done a huge amount of back squatting before then we would look to keep the weight a little lighter and more manageable. It could be a good idea to ignore the heavy 2r and go for sets of 5-8r instead, with a good 90s-2mins rest b/t sets. This will help build a little bit more volume and tolerance in the squatting movement pattern before really starting to put a lot of weight on the bar.

    • Intermediate/Advanced: For those of you that have a bit more experience with heavy squatting, you will be looking to get some more weight on the bar and stick to the dedicated rep scheme. In terms of how you approach this, go through your warm up sets with great control and quality, just because you know you can lift that weight, doesn’t mean you should approach it any differently in terms of technical aspects. I would recommend going for higher rep warm up sets and gradually decreasing the reps as the load gets more challenging, i.e 2 X 6r, 2 X 4r then build to a heavy 2r from there. This does not have to be an all time PB, just hit a heavy 2 for the day and then drop down and hit your heavy percentage work!

Demo Video: Back Squat

Part 2

WOD Prep- C2B Skill

Intent: There is not going to be a huge amount of time in this section, it is more of a controlled warm up and drill specific piece to not only run over the different scaling options, but also to see what is required to perform multiple C2B pull ups in both a sense of strength & technique.

  • Approach:

    • Beginners: For beginners this is a great chance to have 10 mins or so to follow a specific pull up warm up/ procedure which is sure to involve some good positional work and awareness on the rig. This will also show some of the progressions that can be used to work up to the full kipping C2B pull up and should highlight any key areas of weakness.

    • Intermediate/Advanced: At this level this is going to be a great warm up for you guys, work on positions and linking reps together. As there is not a huge amount of time on this, if you are competent in pull ups and are going to opt for Butterfly C2B that is great, use a bit of your own initiative and start going through the movement prep whilst the coach works with the other athletes in the normal kipping pull up.

  • Scaling: As this section is skill/drill based and led by the coach, there is not any specific scaling. You will just work through the positions and drills of the kipping pull up until you get to your ability level, for example this may be as simple as hitting some quality sets of the beat swing.

Demo Video: Butterfly C2B Pull Up

Part 3

Open WOD (18.5)



Thrusters (45/30kg)

Chest-to-bar pull-ups

Intent: This Part of the session is where we bring the intensity, this is in the form of a previous open workout, specifically 18.5 (this is actually a repeat workout from 2011 & 2012).

  • Approach: Again the approach to this workout will be different depending on ability level. Have a look at the suggested options below in how to attack this workout.

    • Beginners: for this workout, the idea is that it is short and sharp, so we want a good level of intensity here. Remember, your level of intensity may be completely different to someone else’s, especially if you are relatively new to this type of stimulus or even workouts in general. So pick a pace you think you can hold, if anything I would say try and make the second half of the workout faster than the first. This will be hard due to the rep scheme, but should ensure you don’t go out to hot! Try not to break up the thrusters too much unless you get to the high rep range, if you are doing full C2B or even normal kipping pull ups then go for short fast and repeatable sets which can still remain quick vs going unbroken and burning out too quick.

    • Intermediate/Advanced: if you are more of an experienced athlete and you know how these types of workouts feel, then you know what you're in for. Go fast out of the gate and keep the transitions quick between the barbell and the rig, do your best to hold onto that pace for along as possible. Hopefully at the point where the workout gets tough, the end is in sight, use that last little burst of energy to get through the finish line. I would suggest going unbroken on this for along as possible, hopefully no more than 2 sets when the reps start getting a little higher. The RX weight is not heavy and the C2B should be relatively fast. Note, butterfly is much faster so if you have them, use them, even if they run out and you revert to normal kipping C2B.

  • Scaling: For the thruster, if you struggle with the front rack a good scale could be simply to adjust weight, or even switch to a set of Dumbbells instead. For the C2B pull up you can scale this in multiple ways, however, if you want to keep this as an open workout simulation, go for a jumping chin over bar pull up as this is what CrossFit opted for as the scaling option sir if something similar comes top again this is most likely going to be what they use.

Demo Video: Barbell Thruster


Featured Member - Becky
