
Sunday 28th november 2021

Part 1

5 Mins- Build to Workout Weight

Intent: This part of the session is where we have just finished our empty bar warmup, now we want you to start loading your bar for the workout about to follow.

  • Approach: Use this time to build up the weight for your Hang Power Cleans and your Push Jerks. Ensure that during each warm up set you can perform the movements with great form and without any major technical errors. I.e not locking out your elbows when the bar is overhead.

    • Beginners, this may be empty bar or very light weight which is totally fine, during this 5 min period practice moving the bar with good efficiency and bar path.

    • Intermediate and advanced athletes, most will be able to get to a working weight relatively quickly as the RX standard is not hugely heavy. I would suggest doing a good 5 reps or so at each build up weight and judge accordingly. Remember the EMOM is 30 mins long and mixed in with machine work so you are going to be out of breath. If you can’t move the bar well during the warm up, its only going to be harder 20 mins in and fatigued.

  • Scaling: Scale the number of reps if needs be, if you haven’t done much barbell cycling before you may need to reset each rep to ensure good movement which is naturally going to take longer. Of course weight is the other scale as previously mentioned.

Demo Video: Hang Power Clean

Part 2

30 Min EMOM

A. Row 15/12 Cal

B. 10 Hang Power Clean 

C. Bike 15/12 Cal

D. 10 Push Jerk 

E. Ski 15/12 Cal

F. Rest

RX= (60/40kg)

  • Intent: This part of the session is where we get to work. This is a 30 Min conditioning piece that is predominately machine based but also has a skill element that includes some built in barbell cycling.

  • Approach: depending on ability level, there are a couple ways that you can attack this workout which will be suggested below. Either way pick a pace that you can hold throughout the whole 30mins but is going to be challenging and feel as though you would struggle to complete another round.

    • Beginners, for this I would suggest working hard on each machine minute for a good 45s or so, the barbell is most likely going to be light due to lack of experience when barbell cycling with an element of fatigue. So use the machine to get out of breath, then the barbell minute as a bit of practice moving the bar with light weight.

    • Intermediate and advanced athletes, for this i think a slight tip in the scale to what is suggested above, by this I mean go heavy on the barbell and keep the machine at a nice smooth consistent pace throughout. The RX weight for this workout is a manageable one and would act as a good tester for your barbell cycling ability.

  • Scaling: In terms of scaling this workout, as previously stated in part 1, for the barbell we can cut the reps down so that we aim to achieve 6-8 quality reps in the minute. In addition we can scale by lowering the weight. In terms of scaling the machine we can just adjust the number of calories on each minute, again look to complete about 45s so you give a small transition period to get to your bar.

Demo Video: Rowing Technique


