WORkout of the week # 001
Olympic Lifting
Thursday 23 September 2021
2 Snatch Pull Under + 2 OHS
Intent: This section of the workout is intended as a primer for the next section.
Approach: Use this an an extension of your warm-up and a time to dial in your movement with the barbell.
Beginners, don’t worry too much about the weight on the bar, just choose a weight that you can move without making any major technical errors such as losing balance, incorrect bar path, or pressing out.
Intermediate and advanced athletes can use this EMOM to build the weight on the bar by going up each time they execute a set without making any of the errors I already mentioned. Don’t turn this into a max-out that part comes next.
Scaling: If you’ve never done snatch pull-under before you will start with an empty bar, it might be a good idea to grab a lighter bar than you normally do if it’s your first try. If you can’t overhead squat with full range of motion you can receive the bar in the power position on the snatch pull-under & reduce the range of motion on the overhead squat. If you are scaling range of motion then we recommend you pause for 3 seconds in your deepest position on each rep to get you more comfortable at the bottom of your range and help develop more range over time.
Demo video: Snatch Pull Under
Hang Squat Snatch
Build to a Heavy Double
Intent: The intent of this section depends on how long you have been lifting and your ability. Beginners should focus on more on practicing technique rather than progressing the load. Intermediate & Advanced lifters should use this section to get some working sets done building up to a daily max.
Beginners find a working weight where you can perform the lifts without major errors and stick to that weight. Only increase if it becomes clear that this weight is too easy for you.
Intermediate & Advanced folks increase the weight after each set where you don’t make any major errors. If you reach a weight that you feel is your max for the day and there is still time left on the clock, reduce the load by 10-15% and do a few extra sets. Don’t fall into the trap of missing the same weight over an over: if you miss a lift or make an error then take the weight down so you can get a good set in before building back up.
Range of motion: If you can’t overhead squat comfortably to full depth then you can do Hang Power Snatch instead. The goal of weightlifting is to lift the biggest weights possible and this is possible to do with the power variant, overtime your depth with improve but be patient and don’t force it as this can cause you to practice inefficient technique and increase your risk of injury.
Rest: this depends somewhat on your fitness levels but also on whether you are drilling technique or maxing out. If you are drilling a beginner sticking at a manageable weight you can probably get away with 90s rest between sets. If you are a more advanced lifter maxing out then rest at least 2 minutes between sets.
Snatch High Pull
4 X 3 (3s pause above knee)
Intent: the goal here is to increase the strength of your pull.
Beginners - start with the heaviest weight you lifted successfully on the last section and aim to increase until the set feels challenging.
Intermediate & Advanced - for the first set use the the heaviest weight you lifted successfully on the last section and then increase to 110% of you 1RM snatch by the last set.
Pick-up Position: if your mobility stops you from getting into a safe pick up position then elevate the bar by placing plates flat on the floor under the bumpers on each end. This effectively raises your pick-up position slightly.
Demo Video: Snatch High Pull