When and why did you start CrossFit?

My husband Scott was watching the Crossfit games on TV. I walked in and after a couple of minutes watching, I told him we had to move to the U.S so I could do this sport! It was love at first sight.  Scott told me there was a CrossFit gym in Chelmsford so I booked my taster session the next day! I joined just under 2 years ago, but on the day of my last foundations session I found out I was pregnant. So spent the first year training with very scaled back movements and lots of guidance from the coaches. Have been back into full training for just under a year. 

What’s your ideal/ strongest exercise? 

I love bodyweight exercises like pull ups, handstand push-ups, toes-to-bar and anything gymnastic related. I especially love it when they create WODs that combine exercises like burpees and snatches. 

What would you consider your weakest exercise? 

Thrusters, I really hate thrusters ha-ha. 

What’s your biggest fitness achievement? 

I was a gymnast when I was younger, and won silver medal twice at the British Gymnastics national finals. That was a very long time ago though! 

Do you currently have any fitness related goals? 

I would love to try and get a bar and ring muscle up by the end of the year…and to survive Tribal Clash. 

What advice would you give someone nervous to try Crossfit? 

It doesn’t matter what level of strength/fitness you may or may not have, there is an option for everyone. The coaches are amazing at changing and adapting any movement to suit people’s needs. All the members are so friendly and welcoming. It’s lots of fun and there is so much variety in the WODs. You will never get bored! 

What do you do for fun when you’re not training at CM2? 

Pretty much all my time is spent running around after my kids (which is a workout in itself) – so in all honesty, CM2 is what I do for fun and for myself. It’s basically a big playground where you can choose between throwing weights around or hanging from a rig, and all whilst being amongst friends that push you to be competitive and better! Trust me, if you haven’t tried it yet, you really should give it a go. 

What is your favorite part of CM2? 

I just love it all!! The WODs, the coaches, the people who train there. It’s like a little community; everyone helps each other out and encourages one another. I have found myself doing things I never would have thought I could do. There is also always someone hanging around after class, practising one thing or another, which makes training and learning new skills together even more fun! 

You’re basically Wonder Woman, constantly on the go - where do you find the motivation to train so hard? 

I gave up work after having my 3rd baby. So in a way, CM2 has replaced that. I go there to train with friends, have time to myself and to keep me sane ha-ha! I enjoy being able to push myself and learning new things constantly – and CM2 is def the best place to do that! 


Rob – Head Coach 

Katie is a highly motivated athlete and she has set her sights on acquiring all the skills and strength needed to complete the RX workouts in The Open. Having a performance related goal like this is great because it gives her something concrete to work towards. Katie’s consistency and intensity in training is paired with a hunger for knowledge of all parts of the process that she will need to achieve her goal. Katie is a great example to other members and a great member of the community who’s always wearing her smile when she’s at the box. 

Rich - Coach 

From the first foundation session I had with Katie it was clear that she was talented and enthusiastic about starting her training journey with us. Since then she has gone from strength to strength and she has truly worked hard for it. All whilst looking after three children and having pneumonia at the beginning of the year. Katie is always a pleasure to coach. She’s very receptive to cues and willing to listen, learn and push herself hard. Recently her gymnastic skills and weightlifting have jumped to a new level and now she has started to take part in some competitions. It will be interesting to see her develop further. A very well deserved member of the month! 

Lew - Coach 

Katie is a pleasure to work with. It has been great to see her back stronger and fitter than ever after having Nate, her third child. Taking part in the recent Inferno Pairs competition has certainly given her the hunger to progress further and continue to explore everything training at CM2 has to offer. Keep it up Katie! 

Emily - Coach 

Katie is one inspirational lady! Balancing the demands of being a mum to three small kiddies and still showing so much dedication and passion for her training is seriously impressive. Since joining CM2 Katie has made significant gains in strength and skill; demonstrating impressive results in her first Crossfit Games Open and at her first competition, Inferno Pairs. Katie can often be seen walking the length of the gym on her hands, or training hard with the 6am early bird crew! I’ll never forget watching in awe, during Lew’s latest weightlifting course, as Katie effortlessly shifted from snatching to popping out to warm a bottle for baby Nate, then snatching again, then feeding Nate, then came another snatch.... truly well deserved member of the month.
